

        ​Photosynthetic organisms include plants, algae and some photosynthetic bacteria. These organisms use solar energy to combine water with CO2 to create biomass. Moreover, high oil-producing plant and algae can be used to produce biodiesel. Algae are more efficient at using CO2 for photosynthesis, have a higher proliferation rate, and can be more readily incorporated into engineered systems. Furthermore, microalgaltechnology provides a means for recycling waste carbon from fossil fuel combustion. Algal biodiesel is one of the only avenues available for high-volume re-use of CO2 generated in power plants. Therefore, in our planning, the focus of research is the production of biodiesel from high lipid-content algae utilizing waste CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels. The major missions include:

  1. collection of oil-producing algae.
  2. construction of photobioreactor for biomass production of microalgae.
  3. advances in our understanding on the physiology and biochemistry of algae for biomass- and oil-production.
  4. establishment of close or open systems for recycling of waste CO2.
  5. oil extract and purification of cultured algae.
  6. biological conversion of algal oil to biodiesel.

微藻 (microalgae)具高效能光合作用,可有效率利用陽光,將CO2轉換成生物能 (biomass),微藻並富含許多生物活性質,是近年來深具研發價值之主題。本研究室持續與成功大學、中山大學、農業科學 院、金屬研究中心、中國鋼鐵公司、台糖公司合作致力於微藻減碳、生質能源、水資源再利用等研究 ,而長期 研究目標包括:

  1. 建構大規模單元操作的Photobioreactor/Raceway Raceway模組(10 與 20 噸規模),研發提升微藻養殖效能之操作模式。
  2. 篩選特種微藻株, 其除具有高效率生長特性外, 並富含特定生物活性物。
  3. 誘發微藻生產特定生物活性物質之養殖模式,探討其抑菌、抗氧化、 細胞修復、提升免疫力等之生物功能性。
  4. 開發能用於飼料添加能用於飼料添加 、產製機能性健康食品之製品 。




Selected publications related to this topic

  1. Kuo CM, Jian JF, Sun YL, Lin TH, Yang YC, Zhang WX, Chang HF, Lai JT, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2018. An efficient PBRs/Raceway circulating system combined with alkaline-CO2 capturing medium for microalgal cultivation. Bioresource Technology 266: 398-406. (IF=6.669, 13/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  2. Lee TM, Tseng YF, Cheng CL, Chen YC, Lin CS, Su HY, Chow TJ, Chen CY, Chang JS. 2017. Characterization of a heat-tolerant Chlorella sp. GD mutant with enhanced photosynthetic CO2 fixation efficiency and its implication as lactic acid fermentation feedstock. Biotechnology for Biofuels 10:214. (IF=5.452, 18/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  3. Kuo CM, Lin TH, Yang YC, Zhang WX, Lai JT, Wu HT, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2017. Ability of an alkali-tolerant mutant strain of the microalga Chlorella sp. AT1 to capture carbon dioxide for increasing carbon dioxide utilization efficiency. Bioresource Technology 244:243-251. (IF=6.669, 13/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  4. Ho SH, Chiu SY, Kao CY, Chen TY, Chang YB, Chang JS, Lin CS. 2017. Ferrofluid-assisted rapid and directional harvesting of marine microalgal Chlorella sp. used for biodiesel production. Bioresource Technology 244:1337-1340. (IF=6.669, 13/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  5. Kuo CM, Jian JF, Lin TH, Chang YB, Wan XH, Lai JT, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2016. Simultaneous microalgal biomass production and CO2 fixation by cultivating Chlorella sp. GD with aquaculture wastewater and boiler flue gas. Bioresource Technology 221:241-250. (IF=6.669, 13/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  6. Kuo CM, Chen TY, Lin TH, Kao CY, Lai JT, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2015. Cultivation of Chlorella sp. GD using piggery wastewater for biomass and lipid production. Bioresource Technology 194:326-333. (IF=6.669, 13/162 in BIOTECHNOLOGY & APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY)
  7. Chiu SY, Kao CY, Chen TY, Chang YB, Kuo CM, Lin CS*. Cultivation of microalgal Chlorella for biomass and lipid production using wastewater as nutrient resource. Bioresource Technology (In press; doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.11.080) (IF=5.039, 1/12 in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING)
  8. Kao CY, Chen TY, Chang YB, Chiu TW, Lin HY, Chen CD, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2014. Utilization of carbon dioxide in industrial flue gases for the cultivation of microalga Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology 166:485-493. (IF=5.039, 1/12 in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING)
  9. Kao CY, Chiu SY, Huang TT, Dai1 L, Ling-Kang Hsu, Lin CS*. 2012. Ability of a mutant strain of the microalga Chlorella sp. to capture carbon dioxide for biogas upgrading. Applied Energy 93:176-183. (IF=5.261, 6/133 in ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL)
  10. Kao CY, Chiu SY, Huang TT, Dai1 L, Wang GH, Tseng CP, Chen CH, Lin CS*. 2012. A mutant strain of microalga Chlorella sp. for the carbon dioxide capture from biogas. Biomass & Bioenergy 36:132-140. (IF=3.411, 2/12 in AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING)
  11. Chiu SY, Kao CY, Huang TT, Lin CJ, Ong SC, Chen CD, Chang JS, Lin CS*. 2011. Microalgal biomass production and on-site bioremediation of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide from flue gas using Chlorella sp. culture. Bioresource Technology 102:9135-9142. (IF=5.039, 1/12 inAGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING)
  12. Ong SC, Kao CY, Chiu SY, Tsai MT, Lin CS*. 2010. Characterization of the thermal-tolerant mutants of Chlorella sp. with high growth rate and application in outdoor photobioreactor cultivation. Accepted by Bioresource Technology. Bioresource Technology 101:2880-2883.
  13. Chiu SY, Tsai MT, Kao CY, Ong SC, Lin CS*. 2009. The air-lift photobioreactors with flow patterning for a high-density culture of microalgae and carbon dioxide removal. Engineering in Life Science 9:254-260.
  14. Chiu SY, Kao CY, Tsai MT, Ong CS, Chen CH and Lin CS*. 2009. Lipid accumulation and CO2 utilization of Nannochloropsis oculata in response to CO2 aeration. Bioresource Technology 100:833-838.
  15. Chiu SY, Kuan TC, Kao CY, Ong SC, Chen CH, Lin CS*. 2008. Reduction of CO2 by a high-density culture of Chlorella sp. in asemicontinuous photobioreactor. Bioresource Technology 99:3389-3396.


  1. Lin CS, Chiu SY, Kao CY. Microalgae cultivation module. IPA-ROC I433647 (專利權期間:2014/4/11~ 2031/9/5)
  2. Lin CS, Kao CY. Microalgae cultivation module including circular tube-shaped cultivation bag. IPA-ROC: I457073 (利權期間:2014/10/21~ 2032/7/18)
  3. Cheng JS, Lin CS, Chen CY, Kao CY. Carbon dioxide-capturing apparatus for microalgae cultivation and the method thereof. IPA-ROC: I479988 (專利權期間:2015/4/11~ 2032/8/27)
  4. Tseng CP, Chen CC, Lin CS. Biogas electric generator and electricity generation method using microalgae carbon capture. (Pending IPA-ROC: 101107655)
  5. Lin CS, Kao CY, Chen TY, Chang YB, Chiu SY. The technique of magnetic particles applied to microalgae harvest. (Pending IPA-ROC: 102149050)